Hi kids,
"When your body mind and soul are healthy and harmonious, You will bring health and harmony to those around you..."
B.K.S. Iyengar
B.K.S. Iyengar
Well, here it is ... the first addition of my weekly news letter to all of you. Something new for 2009. ( I thought you would get a kick out of the title Ang ) I thought this would be a nice way of keeping in touch with each of you and keeping you up-dated on what's going on here in Hammondsport. I am thinking I will try to accomplish this by emailing a short note each Sunday evening.
So it is the New Year ! Wow ! 2009 ! I can hardly believe it. I remember how odd it seemed saying ' 2000, instead of 19 something ?! Now it is already 2009 ... and next year ? I suppose some will say ' twenty-ten instead of 2010 ? Geez ! Time feels like it is flying by me sometimes.
Dad and I just got back from traveling to Ohio and Indiana. We had a great time. We had a lot of fun at the New years Eve benefit Tommy & Jennifer hosted with some other folks. Thanks guys ! We had a very good time ! Will this become an annual event maybe ? What a great cause to support ... Rise Up Against Cancer ! It was great company, food,dancing and socializing. We had fun spending time with Jennifer and Tommy for a few days. Ok, I had to admit, I like the Wii game thing. You got me Tommy ! We had a wonderful dinner at Jennifer's parents house on New years Day. They were so nice and fun to hang out with. I am happy we got to help Tom and Jennifer set up at the Bridal show too. They really did it all, but we helped carry things ! haaa ! They had a great looking booth, I sure hope it brings them lots future business ! They both put forth so much efforts into their business. Tommy, you may have lost your job at perhaps not the best timing, but ... now you get to walk away and leave it in 2008. All things happen as they should. It is your time to change it up. Look forward and no regrets. You wanted to do this, maybe you got pushed a little earlier then you were thinking, but maybe God was thinking ' NOW'S THE TIME ". Dad and I wish you and Jennifer wonderful success. We love you both so very much.
We went to see the movie Valkyrie ( sp ? ) with Eddie last Friday night in Ohio. I thought it was a good movie. It brought a lot of history back into my thoughts. It made me feel for the people of that time frame. Sometime it is easy to forget how some folks have survived their circumstances. Eddie , thank you for taking such good loving care of Tucker for us. I am glad Oscar and Tuck had that chance to finally be able to play hard. Seeing how Tucker got hurt at Christmas time, they sure didn't get play time then. It was fun to spend some time with you too Eddie. Dad and I love you so very much. Come and see us a lot this year, we always look forward to you and Oscar coming. I just love that little Oscar too. Oh ... by the way, did I tell you that you made some of the best peanutbutter cookies I have ever ate ! It is true, I am not trying to be Grandma ! Haaaaa ! They were sooooooo good ! We will be keeping you in our prayers for the test you will be taking in the near future. ( certified fraud examiner) I know you will do just fine.
Thank you each for all of our Christmas gifts. We enjoyed the holiday season because of each of you. I still have to pinch myself to believe I really had Bill & CJ here with us for Christmas ! What a gift that truly was. That will be a memory I will forever treasure. I still remember seeing CJ's face at the door with a great big red bow around her neck, then seeing Bill with his big bow around his neck, standing behind her with a great big smile ! Both of them saying " MERRY CHRISTMAS, your presents are here !!! " I felt I couldn't breathe at that moment. I felt it couldn't be true, and it was true. I can still see Angela jumping up and down and screaming with the door wide open, and from that moment on, it felt like I was in slow motion. I am glad I had a wall behind me to lean on. My tears came fast and I was truly completely overjoyed. Thank you, you planned such a wonderful,loving gift for us. I love you both so very much. I am glad Dad and I had the opportunity to come to your house for a visit in early December too. Your home is so beautiful. So warm and inviting. I was so happy we got to see your Christmas lights and your tree. I am especially thankful for the blessing of CJ carrying this baby safely. What a joy it is for all of us to have a new member of our family on the way. This child shall be so loved. May God bless you each day.
Last fall I was happy to get to spend a whole week with Angela in Charlotte. I love your new apartment ! Although it could have been under better circumstances, in the end, it all worked out perfectly. Thank God the tests came back negative. I am hoping to be able to spend some time each year with you, it is always fun to be together. I am happy to hear you got your car to Ang. ! For those of you that probably do not know, Ang bought a 2007 Honda Accord LX, today. She sold her Mustange to Grandpa John. He is getting it for Christopher ( sort of like his grandchild) She can fill you each in on the details. Ang, thank you very much for all the help you gave during Christams. I love having you home with us. Your nut roll was hmmm hmmm good !!! (Sorry Tom, I know we were suppose to bring you some, we were piggies and ate it all.) Dad and I love you so very much Ang. Be safe driving that new car.
Well, 2008 brought us many new things. It was mostly a good year. We certainly made a lot of headway with this old house. Hey ... we moved in ! Thank you for any help you each gave to us in getting things done here too. We greatly appreciate it. We have decided to take one room at a time now and finish it up the best we can. We will get there sooner or later. What ever it takes. But one thing I know for sure, we will set aside some time for us too. It cannot all be about this house all of the time. I want to spend time with each of you too. I want to be able to get to know this area better too. There are lots to see and do here. And after all .... we will have a beautiful grandchild born this summer, and that WILL TAKE FIRST PRIORITY !!!
Ok, enough for my first news letter. I love each of you, so very dearly. You are each, always in my prayers. Go on... get started and make this one of your best years yet. It is yours to make it happen. Get your health in order. Work hard, but take time for yourself too. Be more understanding, more loving toward one another. You will see the difference it can make in daily life. Keep in touch with each other. Make it a priority. Family is of most importance. Don't let time escape without reaching out to one another each month. We are all busy in our own lives, but we are important to each others lives too.
All my children, I love you, your Momma G
Hey Mom!...Lovin your blog! We had a great time when you guys were here...as with everyone else...we just wish we could see you guys more.
This will be a cool way to find out what everyone else is up to, since we don't always get to talk to everyone as much as we would like.
We miss all you guys and can't wait to see you all soon!
Mamma G and Pappa G we hate we were so busy when you guys were here. But it means a lot you took the time out of your crazy schedule to come out and see us and support our event. And Thank you so much for helping set up at the Bridal Show! We have already booked 3 brides so far and probably more to come!
Angela your car sounds awesome! Look at you lady!
Maybe we should all have blogs ;)
even the newest baby bean Gaio addition!
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