Sunday, January 11, 2009

All My Children #002

Hi Kids,

Well here is my new " All My Children Blog " that Tommy John has helped me to set up. Yeah !! I am really feeling as if I am getting into the technology now ! Haaaa ! I would like for each of you to let me know that you were able to access it and read my Sunday newsletter if you wouldn't mind. ( at least this first time ok ? ) Tommy said there is a " comment " link at the end of my letter you can click on and post a note back to me if you want to try that.

Well, lets see, another week has went by here in 2009. I hope you are all enjoying this new year so far ? It somehow seems as if we get a fresh start doesn't it ? I like that feeling. It brings the feeling of hope and inspires me to want to do better somehow. I think we all need to know we can start again, and that it is never too late. Change is a good thing because there is always room for improvement.

Ok, lets see what went on here in Hammondsport this week. Well, I watched the premier of
" Biggest Loser " and "Oprah's Best Life Week " ... I must tell you, I cried thru-out most of those shows. I guess I felt I connected with the pain associated with other people in both those shows. Yes ... I am struggling with my own battle of weight. At my age it is very unhealthy too. So, like many others, I too, am trying to make a difference in my lifestyle. I gravitate to any info on the subject. I must say it has helped me so far. I am looking forward to Oprah's free web cast on Monday night. I'll keep you up-dated on how I progress.

One new thing I have done is to join a Yoga class. Haaaaaaaa !! It was pretty funny really. But ... I did like it and I will return this Monday. It runs for 6 wks then starts again. I wish it were three days a week,unfortunately it is only on Monday evenings. I hope to be able to master the chant ... I felt silly not knowing what to say, there I sat, on my yoga mat, in candle light, others all around me, trying to look cool, supposing to have my eyes shut, relaxing and saying these strange sounds ( mantra's ).... well, I tried to have one eye open ... look around .... grab at my eye glasses, try to see the paper in the dark to read the mantra again and try to mimic the sounds.... pretty funny. What was good though, is the fact that it is hard work. That form of exercise is great. You feel so stretched and muscles feel worked for sure. So, I'll let you know how I do.

I took down all of the Christmas decorations this week. I haven't gotten them all put away yet though. I still have the big tree to get down. I still need more bins brought down to put away other stuff too. So needless to say the house is in a post-Christmas mess right now. Oh well, it will get done. I am only one person.

I drove to Erie PA on Friday. I met Grandma,John and Aunt Patty there at a Bob Evans restaurant. They brought Patty to the half-way point between our houses so I could get her back. The weather has been very wintry. Snow everyday in the forecast so it was a better idea not to have to travel further. ( 3-hrs to Erie for them and me ) So we had lunch together, then got on the road. Aunt Patty and I decided to try our luck out at the Seneca Casino on the way back home. Well, as you may have guessed, I didn't win ! Aunt Patty thinks she did, because when she checked out, she still had $15 left, so I told her she is so lucky. It made her day. She likes sitting at the slots and playing. I put a twenty in her 5cent machine and she played for 35 mins ! Not to bad.

We got up this morning to about 8 inches of snow in the driveway. So Dad and I bundled up and shoveled snow together. All of the driveway,the turn-around and the sidewalk from the library to the grocery store. Whew !! Big job !! Then we hurried inside showered and went to church. We haven't really been taking the time to go since living here in Hammondsport. Always letting the house and all the work get in our way. We both missed it though. It is very different here than our St Gabriel in Ohio, I loved Father Fred, but, hey change is good too. We went to breakfast after chruch and talked with a nice guy named Jim, that told Dad about the best kind of snowblowers. Well .... guess what ? Dad went and bought one today ! Haaaaaa ! (remember I told you how snowy it has been ! ) So, he said if we see Jim next Sunday, he is going to tell him he cost him $1000 ! Haaaaa !! Now we will want to try it out !

Dad and I started work on the attic. We managed to move everything out of the right side. ( as you get to the top of the stairs) We bought some carpet and padding and got them down, we have sanded and puttied any nicks in the wall and ceiling and filled woodwork nail holes, sanded and wiped down, bought paint and starting tomorrow, I will begin the lovely job of painting the ceiling. I am getting excited again about accomplishing something. I guess I have felt burned-out for awhile now. But, I am ready to get a move on now on this house again. This part of the attic will be our exercise room. See ... I really am trying to help myself. Dad said we will put a Wii up there too. ( haahaahaa ! Tommy ... I blame you for this ! )

Tommy is going to help me learn to post pictures in the near future. That will be a cool addition ! Then I can really show you our progress !

"Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives: where we focus our attention. -Greg Anderson"

Well, that's my week in a nutshell. I hope you are all well. Keep us all up-dated in your lives. I love you each so very much.


Tommy John said...

Hey everyone...things are going well out here in Indiana.

Many new chapters starting for me out here.

As you all likely know...I am no longer employed by INDOT. Full-time with baby Grace Photography that is exciting.

I am also moving in with my lovely lady, Jennifer. We have been working a bunch at her house lately, repainting, some light remodeling and stuff, getting ready for the big move. We are excited to be starting something new together.

I miss you all!

Jennifer said...

Hey Mamma G so a few questions...

How was your second week of yoga? I want to start going on Monday to Yoga but I am scared because I know nothing much about it but want I tried at home and all the people in the class look really flexible and in shape ;)

and how are the Oprah class? I have not gotten to do any of them since we have been working late nights at my house. But I Loved her A new Earth class it was amazing. I took my tea or coffee lit candles and grabbed my journal and just spent that hour concentrating on that..

Well I love that you have this blog it is so cute and I love the pics at the top. You two are adorable!


g.la54gaio said...

Hey Mom.... looking for this week's edition of AMC. Looking forward to seeing it! :O)