Hi Kids,
I trust you all had a good week. I cannot believe I forgot to make my post last night ! Geez ! I wondered if anyone would notice, and I will tell you, it felt good because both Dad and Angela did and asked me where it was ?! Yeah !! I guess I got behind.
Well ... let's see, yes, this was a good week in all. I painted two coats of paint on both the ceiling and walls of the attic. Dad got the Bow Flex back up and operational, and a Tv set,VCR and DVD unit hooked up. Then Dad and I carried up, two flights of stairs, from the Arbor Glen Room, the two book cases ! ( the ones from the old family rm in Chardon ) They now flank both sides of the Tv. It looks pretty darn good up there. It makes a nice room. So, this morning was my first experience working out in the newly done exercise room. I even got Aunt Patty up there with me doing a little work. Haahaaa ! She was showing me how to use a hand weight. I told her she is a very good teacher. Lets hope she will continue the enthusiasm ! Eddie is coming up this weekend, so we will see if Dad and Ed can get the treadmill up there. Whew !! It is a worry, I know it is very heavy, and it has to also go up two flights of stairs ! Eddie and Dad ... eat your Wheaties !
Well, I got most of the decorations put away, and the house back into order. I even got most of it clean too. Yeah ... it feels good. I put some bed side tables in Aunt Patty's room, one on each side of her bed, and moved the tall chest out of there. It looks very nice and much more balanced now, and she seems to like it. The one thing I will want to do for her in the future is make a statement with curtains behind her bed. She carried around a picture with a bedroom decorated like this when we were still in Chardon, so I will try to replicate it. They will hang from the ceiling, down the wall behind the bed, sort of like a princess bed. Oh .... I will do it one of these days then send pictures ok ?
I went to my " yoga " class again. I must say, I am liking it ! It is ' Kundilini Yoga '. I am not sure of how many types there are, but this one is based on your breathing and Mantra's. It can be difficult, so I modify what I am doing a lot, but I will keep it up. The people all seem to be friendly too. It appears that most of them have been doing this for years now. Luckily, there are two other ' new ' ones like me. I also did the Oprah live web cast this past week. It was good. I missed Thurs and Fri though. But I can down load it off her site. It was kind of hard to fit it in being each night in a row. Time consuming. It started every night at 9 pm and ended at 10:40ish. So ... it made it difficult to visit with Dad, seeing how he doesn't get home until late anyway. But, it was only one week. I hope I gained a lot from it. It was something new for me to do. I took notes and learned a few things for sure.
Dad used his new snow blower Sunday, it seems to work good. The three of us attended church, then went on to breakfast. Aunt Patty liked that ! She actually seemed to like the church too. There was a really good visiting Priest there this week. He grabbed your attention and held it ! Good guy. I guess because this church is so small, we will always have visiting Priest. So we shall see how it goes.
Well, not a lot to tell about this week I suppose. A lot of hard work, and it all paid off. Dad and I went on a date night Friday. I like doing that. I want to make this year a good one with Dad and I doing more things together. We went to eat at the Snug Harbor. I am looking forward to getting our bikes this spring. That will be great to be able to go out on a long bike ride together. Just so you know guys, Dad is still my sweetheart after all these years ! See ... it can happen.
Well kids, try to watch the Inauguration Tuesday. ( at least some of the coverage) It will be such an historic event. Try to keep more of an awarness about national issues. It is good to have some insite as to what is going on around us. I have such a strong feeling of hope for this new President. May God bless him, protect him and guide him. Our country is in need of change. It is a most difficult time for our nation and we need someone, somehow, to bring it back into a sense of security and stability. God Bless America. God Bless this new President, he has a lot on his plate before he even enters into his presidency.
"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.-Jose Addison "
I love you all. Have a wonderful week.
Love, Momma G
Monday, January 19, 2009
All My Children #003
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