Hi kids,
I hope your all doing well this week. My week started out good. I went to my yoga class, I think I am getting a little better at it. I like going there. It feels good to be a part of it. I started out this week doing my exercise in my new room ! Yeah for me ! I did it Mon,Tues,Wed and then Thurs ... ughhh !!! Not so much ! I pulled my right Hamstring muscle. Not fun at all ! I hobbled around all day. Angela told me how to take care of it, and I have been doing the Advil/ice twice a day. It seems to be helping, thanks Ang !
Aunt Patty and I went shopping on Wednesday. More than anything, just to get out of the house really. We had lunch out ( in which she enjoyed the most ) and bought a few things. I went to that big TJMaxx & Home store in Cannedegua, I really like looking around there. I guess until this weather turns nicer, that is one thing I can do to get out of the house.
Thursday, was when I heard from Aunt Sheree about Grandma being in the emergency room. I felt very scared and wished I could be there right then. She was having a lot of pain in her chest. Then, Sheree called me back again at 11 pm, and told me we almost lost Grandma, due to a reaction to the Nitro pill that they gave her ! Well ... as you could imagine, I was really upset. Sheree assured me that Mom was doing fine now. She also was no longer having pain. Every thing was swirling thru my brain though. I prayed mostly. I woke Dad up, even thought I hated to, just cause I needed to talk to someone. I didn't keep him up long though, he hasn't been getting enough sleep lately the way it is. I have thought a lot about my life, and my Mom. I can't imagine my life without my Mom ... yet. I lost my precious Dad when I was only 29 yrs old. I still miss him terribly. I cannot give up my Mom any time soon. I love her so very much and am so very grateful to have such a loving, wonderful Mom. I feel very fortunate. I have a wonderful relationship with my Mom. I feel so very close to her. We talk a lot on the phone. We always end up having a good laugh about something. She gives me good advise and is a very good listener when I need to talk. She makes me feel good about myself and as a mother, a wife, a daughter, and a sister. She always brags on me and tells me what I am doing right. And it seems, she is the one that will always notice things about me. She will say to me that I look good ( even if I don't ) or that she likes my outfit, she is the one to tell me how nice I look, how pretty my hair looks, or that I have a great smile, or that she thinks I am beautiful. She always tells me how proud she is of me. It is sure nice to have a Mom like that. I know she loves me. And I know she knows how much I love her. I have realized too, that I have helped her thru-out her trying times. Her joys and her sorrows. Her stress with worry over John's health. I guess that is what it is all about. Family. I will forever be grateful. I am so blessed. I thank God that she is home and doing fine. No ... they haven't found what caused all the pain as of yet, but I hope Grandma still pursues the issue with her family doctor.
Ed came here this weekend with Oscar to visit Dad and I. It was so good to see him. He helped Dad carry the treadmill into the attic into our new exercise room. It looks nice. I am glad that is all set up now. He also helped Dad lay the new wood flooring in the center of the attic floor. It looks very nice. We have a two ft section over by the windows and also the center ( maybe a 4 or 5 ft section) that is the dark wood, then the middle is a 15ft by 12 ft section of carpet. We will do the same thing on the other side of the attic one day this year. Anyhow, it looks great. Thank you so very much for all of your help Ed, you are a good son ! We enjoyed seeing little Oscar too. Tucker and Oscar had a great time playing a lot. He is such a cutie. Ed had him neutered and his due-claws removed. So he still has some tender spots that are healing up. I think it is nice that they get to have each other to play with. Saturday night I made Chicken Parmesan for dinner and Aunt Margaret joined us. So we all had a nice visit. On Ed's way out of town, he followed us to Aunt Margaret's house, and helped Dad carry the old treadmill into her basement.
Ang drove her Mustang up to Grandma's and Johns house Saturday. John bought it to give to his grandson Christopher. So she had her last trip in it. Then John paid for her to fly back to Charlotte on Sunday. So, that is all taken care of. Angela traveled back home safe, Ed & Oscar traveled back home safe and Grandma is back home safe. Tom and Jennifer are healthy and safe, Bill and CJ and baby Gaio are healthy and safe. I'd say it was a good week for sure.
Well, that was our week in a nutshell. I love you all very much. I feel so grateful to have each one of you in my life. You each bring to my life so many special blessings. Thank you. I hope you will always know how very deeply you are loved. I am one fortunate lady. May God bless you all.
Joy is in release, so thankfully received,
Joy is in sorry, so sweetly mourned and grieved,
Joy is to be found, you find it through yearning,
Joy is in coming and going, waiting and watching, living and learning.
- Norris Chumley
I love you, Momma G
Friday, January 23, 2009
All My Children #004
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