Monday, March 16, 2009

All My Children # 011

I hope this finds each of you doing well this week. Our week was good. Dad and I got some things accomplished that we have been wanting to get done. Dad got all the wood trim in the master bath done, nailed and caulked. He also got the guest bath wall fixed ( there was leak behind the shower faucet ! ) So he fixed that leak, patched the wall and painted it again and did some caulking in there too. I am in the process of getting the trim primed in the master bathroom now. I already got the big wood panels that go under the tub area primed and one coat of paint so tomorrow I will get the second coat on. I am hoping to get the rest of the trim double coated this week also. I am excited to see that room all done and put back together. And ... yes Ed ... Dad got the shower working in the master ! Haaaaa !! The shower head is on and working! The doors are working alright, not perfect, but... oh well. I have to get the wood all around the shower painted this week. Dad also put the 4 doors on the 2 tall cupboards in the laundry room for me too. So .. stuff getting done. I will be painting this week.

We went to church this morning and to breakfast afterwords. I am really starting to like our little church here. Father Jim is growing on me. He is actually a bit funny. He kind of uses a lot of humor with his stories. He does give a good homily, not boring. I am glad we are getting into it.

We had quite a bit of sunshine this weekend. It felt great ! I am hoping for warmer temps to start rising each week now too. Awwwe .... spring !!! I am so glad we made it thru the cold harsh winter ! Geez it seems long ! I can't wait to get my porch back together and start enjoying it again. Grandma & John got back home to W.Va. They had a good trip. They are still talking about how much fun they had visiting with Tommy and Jen ! So glad they stopped on the way back.

I am glad we will get to see you this weekend Ed ! ( and Oscar too ) We are looking forward to your visit.

Happy St Patricks Day to all ! Remember to wear Green !!

"May your troubles be less And your blessings be more. And nothing but happiness Come through your door. "
-Irish saying

I love you all ... Momma G


Jennifer said...

I enjoy reading these! We had so much fun with Grandma and John! They loved the Wii ;) and on a side note your knives you sent are amazing super sharp I cut my finger open ;) I am not use to working with good knives haha

Happy St. Patties day! Gaio family