Hi kids,
well ... if anyone noticed ... I didn't write a blog last week. I guess with Eddie & Oscar here visiting, it slipped my mind. Oh well. And last night Dad and I were watching the book 3 of North & South to finish the series up, and it was late, so I am writing today. Hope you are all doing well. Tommy and Matt ( Jen's brother) are still en-route to Colorado to visit and pick up Jen's younger brother Michale. They left at about 10 pm last evening. Here's the blog cover of his trip if you hadn't seen it yet. http://coloradical.blogspot.com/ You can follow along with Tommy and some pictures of his trip.
It was nice having Ed and Oscar here last weekend and thru till Tuesday. Thanks for your help here too Ed ... we certainly appreciate any help we get ! Dad and Ed got things moved around in the Arbor Glen room so we can now put box's there to be used at a yard sale this spring. Moved boxes out of the attic too. Dad put shelves in the cupboards in the basement landing area too, so now there are places for garbage bags,cleaning supplies,brooms,light bulbs etc. it sure makes it nicer than having it on the pantry rm floor now ! Dad has the drawer front set up in the pantry too, so he will have to make the drawers fit. I did get the master bath trim painted. Yeah ! So I need to go back now and touch up some area's of the wall color. Then after Dad gets the door done, I will paint the two doors and the door trim and ... well lets just say ... we're getting close to being done in that room.
Dad,Ed,Patty & I went to see the movie " I love you man ", it was pretty good. Laughed a lot. So we all enjoyed it. Then this past Friday night, Dad & I went to see " Knowing ". Ummmm ? Dad liked it, I did not. Let me just say ... it is very suspenseful. ( Nickolas Cage ) I started walking outside more with Tucker since the weather is breaking some what. I actually am walking 3 1/2 to 4 miles when I do. My heel stills hurts me though, so then I ice it a lot. I hope my heel gets better soon. What a pain that is !
Dad and I need to go to Chardon this weekend. Work there to be done. Dad will be going back again the following weekend ( I think ) he got tickets for the Indians home opener. We are planning out a trip to grandma's around the 19th, to drop Patty off there, spend one night, then head to Williamsburg, spend a few nights there, then off to Angela's. We will hopefully get to see Bill & CJ and Tommy and Jen there too. We can celebrate Angela's birthday and get to see her choir concert too. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone. Eddie ? Do you want to change your mind and come and go too ? That would be great ! Please think about it !
Dad & I went to Aunt Margaret's last night. I made stuffed peppers and mashed potatoes and took dinner with us. She had been working on her pool/computer room all weekend and we went over to see how it turned out and bring her dinner. It is really cute. A beautiful shade of blue. Dad helped her put up the curtain rods and we got her curtains put up too. Very nice.
Keep up the good work you are all doing with all of your accomplishments in work,in taking care of your health and in your lives. The best of luck to you CJ with starting this new month of April in a new job ! You will be on a new journey with your career. I hope it brings you satisfaction and joy. As always I miss you and love each of you very much. Family ... it is what is so important in life. You are my family and I have so much love in my heart for you all. God bless each of you.
" the secret of making something work in your lives, is first of all, the deep desire to make it work; then the faith and belief that it can work;then to hold clear definite vision in your consciousness and see it working out step by step, without one doubt or disbelief."
-Eileen Caddy
I love you, Momma G
Monday, March 30, 2009
All My Children # 012
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I noticed Mom!!! I know I haven't left a comment before, but I really enjoy reading these every week. I myself, have to keep up with our blog. I got so busy finishing the sunroom that I haven't made time. Oh well, sounds like you guys are making progress on the house. Keep up the good work!!!
All of our Love from Florida,
Bill, CJ, and Vivianna
I didn't realize that you moved all that stuff around... sounds exciting with the thoughts of a yard sale later in the spring! :o)
Oh-- and we ended up getting our "fourth" for spring break in Vegas! Yay!
Can't wait to see you all in April!!!!
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