Sunday, March 8, 2009

All My Children # 010

Hello !

I am back from a fun trip. Patty Jo and I went to Morgantown Saturday and met at Kathy Scotchels house with Dawn and Aunt Sheree. We then went to the WVU Theater and saw the musical " The Wizard Of Oz ". Wow ! What a wonderful production. Patty Jo sang along with the songs and we all enjoyed ourselves so much. Then the 5 of us girls went to dinner together. We all decided it had been way to long since sharing any kind of quality time together like that. Sunday morning, Patty and I drove over to Aunt Sheree's. Blake and Adam came along with us and we all went to breakfast together. Very nice. Adam is now at least 6 ft tall, I was surprised. He will graduate May 24th this year. Dad and I will try to be there. ( we went to Blake's) If anyone of you can make it, come on down.

This was a good week. I got the pantry primed and two coats of paint. I am glad. Now Dad will have to make the base board trim. Dad worked on our bathroom trim this weekend. He kept busy the whole time we were gone and continued even this evening. He had a roast/carrots and potatoes baking int he oven when Patty Jo and I arrived home this evening too. What a guy ! The whole house smelled great.

I started back to my yoga class again Monday evening. She had taken off a couple of weeks for her vacation. It felt goo to get back. It is hard still ! Haaaaaa !! She said she mixes it up each and every week so that it should remain difficult to anyone. Always using different muscles. That is good I suppose. It was harder to get Aunt Patty up into the attic this week to exercise along with me. As per her usual ... after something is not new and fresh anymore, she doesn't like it so much. (just like moving here, she would love to go back home now ! Haaaaaa ) I guess she has always been like that about everything. I just try to encourage her as much as possible.

Grandma and John are leaving Monday morning to start their travels back from AZ. They will be stopping by to stay a night with Jennifer and Tommy. I am glad they are doing that. Have fun you guys !! Remember to get your cards out and ready ! They love to play a good game of cards. Hey Tommy ... show John the Wii bowling game ! He will love that !

Have a great week everyone ! Take care of each other. Call one another once in awhile. It takes little efforts, and can really make a difference. Each of us need that family connection. We are all busy people. Just carve out a little time here and there. Do not think about whether it is always "you" who has to be the one to call, just BE the ONE. Reach out.

Dad and I are so very proud of each of you. You are so important to us and such a blessing in our lives. I thank God every single day for the gift of my family. I love that it is growing as we speak. You are our greatest joy. You are such wonderful, beautiful, unique,glorious souls. I am truly blessed.

"Beauty, truth, friendship, love, creation – these are the great values of life. We can’t prove them, or explain them, yet they are the most stable things in our lives." -- Jesse Herman Holmes

All My Children ... I love you so deeply.
Momma G