Sunday, April 5, 2009

All My Chilren # 013

Hello to all,

Well, first of all a bit of trivia ...this post is #13, it makes me think of my Dad. Did you know that the number '13 was your Pappy's favorite number ? Yes ... and when I grew up our address was '1316 Cummings Blvd., and my favorite number has always been #16. Well now you know it !

I am writing this email from Chardon tonight. Dad, Aunt Patty and I came here Friday night. Dad and Ed worked hard outside getting the flower beds cleaned up and cutting up a tree that had fallen down. I worked on getting the wallpaper down in the master bath. Lets just say we all worked hard the last two days. Dad went back to Hammondsport tonight and he was so tired and sore he could barely walk. I just hate this. We have really been thru it with having two houses on our backs. My faith gets shook up every now and then, this being one of them I suppose. I generally have a positive outlook and try to remain strong ... but sometimes it just gets the best of you. Keep us in your prayers. Here we are in our 50's and I feel like we are working harder than we ever have ... with no breaks ... and stress piled high. Maybe with some extra prayer power coming from all around ... things can turn around. We need this house to sell. But if I know one thing, I need to get back into the right thinking and do what ever it takes and keep the faith.

"Never talk defeat. Use words like hope, belief, faith, victory." -- Norman Vincent Peale

Dad and I signed up with a company (today) that will place a 'manager person/family in our home here in the near future. The people/person will live here and take care of the house, keep it in top shape for showings, and pay the utilities. They set the house up with nice furniture ( staging it ) so it will show nicely too. So Ed will start to look for his own house as early as tomorrow. Hopefully he will find a great deal on a great house to buy. Keep him in your prayers too.

I remain here this week ( in Chardon ) to continue working on things. Painting rooms, Angela's old bedroom, the craft room and the master bath. I have my work cut out for me this week. I called grandma and asked her to come and get Aunt patty one day this week, so that it will be one less responsibility for me for a little while. I will get her back again after the baby shower in May.

I hope you are all doing well. I love you and am looking forward to seeing all of you soon ! This is going to be such a wonderful trip, heading to Charlotte, for Dad and I. Not only will we get to see Angela on her birthday, but we will be with all of you ... together !!! Dad said he thinks that we have not "all" been together at one time, since Sept 2007 ? Can that be right ??!!!! That is not good ! We must make sure time does not pass us by without getting together with each other.

Remember, today ' Palm Sunday, is the start of Holy week. Easter Sunday will be upon us in one week. Go to church if you can. It is such a great way to celebrate this Easter season.

"Each day provides its own gifts."-- American Proverb

Love and Blessings to each of you, Momma G


g.la54gaio said...

I think that's right... since September '07! Yikes! I knew 13 was Pappy's favorite number, but I didn't know yours. Neat.

Well, as always, all of you are definitely in my prayers!!!!

Love you all!

Tommy John said...

We can't wait to see everyone too!...See you soon!