Hi kids,
well ... this is the last blog for February ! Yeah ! That means spring will certainly be getting closer to us ! Ooooooh ... that sounds so good to me ! This dreadfully COLD weather is getting old !! My skin feels all dried out even with trying to keep lotion on my hands they are so dry !
So this week was just a kind of slow, boring week. Although, I do know it is what "we choose" to make it. So ... you know what that means ? I didn't try too hard. I guess I should have made it a better (perhaps) more productive week. I did all the regular stuff, laundry,cleaning,taking care of Patty Jo, making breakfast,lunch and dinner, you know.... but ... not any projects really. So, maybe this week I should make an effort to get something accomplished in regards to furthering the progress of our house project here. I'll keep you posted on that.
After church today, Dad and I went for a nice long drive through a part of the country-side we haven't ventured through before. It was nice. Just to get out and drive and look around. The sun was out and even though it was cold, somehow that feels nice. I have said it before, but I must say again, it is really a BEAUTIFUL area around here. We saw spectacular views of the mountains and countryside and on one ridge a breathtaking view of Canandagiua Lake ! ( Sp ? ) We stopped and had a Starbucks coffee so that was relaxing too. Believe it or not ... we have rarely taken the time to just drive around since living here !
I am still using my new exercise room ! I am proud of that accomplishment. I intend to get our lifestyle into a healthier version. For Dad, Patty Jo and myself. I have also made grounds on eating better each day. Little changes here and there. So that will be an on-going progress that will evolve with each passing month. I still read and try to educate myself on information along those lines too. I think keeping informed and keeping new ideas, recipes etc., will keep me on the right path. I can tell I am feeling stronger from the exercise. It is still really hard on me to get thru some of the tapes. I was that "out-of-shape" I suppose. It does feel really good to know I am seeing signs of progress though. I am becoming aware ! This paragraph below is something I have read and so agree with !
"Here's something to keep in mind: Awareness raises consciousness. Read that last line again because it's important. Just becoming aware of your typical thought patterns will actually stimulate a move toward emotional health and balance. That's because the moment you notice a negative thought, you then have the ability to shift to something more positive. And then the fun begins. When you focus your mind on something good, it creates a good feeling, and that good feeling fuels you to make better choices. Better choices in turn, give you a better life.
Imagine, like so many people right now, that you're worried about paying your bills. Once you turn on your thought meter, you notice that your thoughts are focused on how little money you have. If you make a choice to shift these thoughts to a powerful affirmation like, "Abundance flows into my life every day in miraculous ways," and you keep returning to this thought, it automatically makes you feel empowered to change your circumstances. This feeling of being empowered - a life-affirming feeling - will lead you to find actions you can take right now to improve your situation. Then, once you identify an action and take it, you not only change the course of your life, you reinforce your positive thoughts and the cycle starts all over again."
This makes such great sense to me. Very many books and articles I have read states that your attitude and your own personal " self talk" that goes on inside your head, has a lot to do with your life and your ultimate happiness. So to each of you, I wish a sense of 'awareness' that may awaken something inside of yourself. Maybe to allow you to progress forward with something you are struggling with in your own life at this time. However it may work, awareness is a great start at bringing forth change. I know one of Dr. Phil's sayings is " you cannot change what you first do not recognise". Yep ... it is true.
Well, I know ... yadda ...yadda ... heeheeee. Enough from me.
Have a great week. Call us when you get a chance. We are always thinking of each of you and hoping things are going well.
"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose." -- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
I love you, Momma G
Sunday, February 22, 2009
All My Children #008
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Sounds like a relatively relaxing week for you...we all need one of those every once in a while!
Jennifer and I had a good week in Las Vegas. Lots of classes, lots of walking. But we learned so much! And I won $3,000 worth of photography equipment and software! It was so very cool as I usually don't win stuff like that. It was a good way to wrap up the long week.
Since we have been back, we have really hunkered down here at the house. We got our office finally all put together. It looks so nice...we are happy to have such a great area to get our work done. Just a few more odds and ends to put away here in the office and it will be complete.
By mid-march, the whole house should be organized....yay!
Miss you all too...we'll talk soon!
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