Sunday, February 8, 2009

All My Children #006

Hello kids,

I am feeling so elated tonight. I just read Bill & CJ's new blog and saw pictures of my beautiful little granddaughter ' Vivianna Jo, in the ultrasound photos. I cannot get the smile off my face. I am feeling just like a small child at Christmas that cannot get to sleep Christmas-eve for being so full of excitement ! Haaaaaaa !! I cannot wait to meet my beautiful granddaughter for sure ! I bought some things for the baby shower today, that was fun ! Yes ... I know it is not until May, but ... we were in Ohio this weekend, and there is one of those party type stores there. So, before we headed back to New York, I figured I would stop in and get some things now. I haven't seen a store like around here. ( at least not yet ? ) It was fun shopping.

Dad, Ed, and I went to the Cleveland Home & Garden show on Saturday. After thinking about it ... I guess Dad and I have been attending this show for about 30 yrs now ! How is that for a long run ?! It is always good to be there. You walk thru some of the prettiest garden setting ever ! You get to smell the fresh flowers, see real green grass, all kinds of trees and shrubs and so many kinds of flowers than you could imagine. I will tell you this ... when you live in the North, by this time of the long, cold, winter weather, it is extremely refreshing to get a look into spring, as brief as it is. So, yes we enjoyed it. I was glad Ed went with us this year. It is nice to spend some time with you Ed ! Tucker and Oscar had a wonderful time playing with each other this weekend also. Too bad they do not live closer to each other, they would love that ! They were tired out today from playing so hard. On Saturday morning, Dad took them both to get their nails filed down, the girls that work there just love the two of them, and they came back each wearing ' Red Valentine Bandannas ... so cute ! Hey Ed ... could you post one of the pictures you took of them on this Blog under the comments or something ? That would be great !

Well, we are back home here in Hammondsport, resting up to start a brand new week. I wish a good productive week for each of you. Be safe. Be happy. Be healthy.

"Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; it becomes your destiney."
- By: Frank Outlaw -

I love you so very much. Momma G