Hello my kids,
Happy Easter to all ! I hope your day was a great day. May the spirit of the Easter season remain within you and settle into your hearts filling them with the compassion,hope,and love of life. I felt it within me today so strongly. I thought of each of you and smiled. It brought me such a feeling of "family", I felt the love so intensely. I felt such gratitude for each of you. I love my family so dearly. You are EACH so very important. You are EACH so valuable to this family. Completely and utterly irreplaceable. I hope you truly get that. I just want you to know how dearly loved you are.
Dad,Ed and I went to mass at St Gabriel's this Easter morning. It was nice to be there once again. Geez ... it was so crowded though ! Ed made me laugh ... he called them CEO's ( Christmas &Easter only ) Well, what ever brings them, it is a good thing. We saw so very many young families in that church today. The next generation I suppose. Lots of babies and young children for sure. I will say ... St Gabe's has the most wonderful music during mass. I loved returning and hearing that for sure. It touches my soul when the music is like that. I really love it. We then went to Laurels for Easter dinner and had a good time. We really like Mark. ( Erica's fiance ) He is a nice guy for sure. God Bless him. I hope there is a doctor out there that can help him. He is going to go to a few cancer specialist at the Cleveland Clinic. Keep him in your prayers. I am sure this is a frightening experience for him knowing what he has been through already.
Well ... as many of you already know, I am still in good o'l Chardon ! Dad is back in Hammondsport, without me, and I miss being there with him again. It is not what we choose, but what has to be done really. We are just trying to be real troopers here and get done what needs to be done. There is just so much work to be caught up on and it isn't easy to get it all done. With spring upon us, as you all can remember ... (yard work galore) to get the property in order. Not fun ... but needed. Then there is the two atrium doors ( family rm and craft rm ) that need replaced due to deterioration from 20 years of harsh weather. Then there is all the painting and refreshing of the rooms. Not fun ... but needed at this time. We are each waking injured ! Haaa ! ( Ed too ) All this physical work is hard on the body ! We just march along, with the best intentions, putting aside things we would really rather be doing and just do what it takes. Sometimes ( as you will surely find) in our lives ... you just do what you have to even when your hearts are not in it. I am working here Monday and Tuesday then driving back to Hammondsport Wednesday. Get some things done there, ride back to Chardon (again ) with Dad Friday night, work here( again) Sat,Sun,Mon and Tuesday and hopefully leave here on Wednesday morning to try to get a little R&R !! Yeah !!! The best part ? Yes !!!! We will have all of our family together for a short visit very soon !! And yes ... CJ ... I will want to hug your belly !!!
Angela is in sunny Vegas this week with the girls ! Hope your week is filled with fun and laughter ! Make some great memories Ang !! We will see you soon honey !
Awwwe ... then there is my 2nd baby Billy Boy !!! This is his birthday week !! April 17th !! The big " 30 th" birthday !! Yeah !!! Welcome to the thirties my son !! Enjoy this next decade ! I loved the thirties ! You will find each decade brings you different gifts ! While your twenties were fun, just wait ... the thirties get even better ! Let me take this time to say Dad and I are so very proud of the man you have become. You are a wonderful son,brother,husband and all around person. With being blessed yourself, with the example of a wonderful father,I have no doubt your greatest contribution will be to become a wonderful father to Vivianna. Dad and I will have such joy in our hearts watching you assume that role. It has been such a pleasure having you for a son in our lives. Have a happy birthday Bill !
"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose."
-Lyndon B. Johnson
Take care ...big hugs to each of you!
I love you, Momma G
Make sure you get some R+R. You guys work too hard! Looking forward to seeing you guys!!!
Bill, CJ, and Viv
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